Dear Past,
How does it feel to be in the past and remember everyone's memories and all the times that they've been through? Us humans don't really remember every single detail of our most treasured memories. Take me for example, the first full memory that I could remember was hiding behind a couch when I was two years old. This is my most treasured memory and I still don't remember every single detail of it. But you must have a lot to remember. Just imagine, 6.6 billion people's past and memories. It takes a big brain for someone to remember that. Just saying.
But the real question that I wanted to ask you was, if you could remember for me how I first started to walk. My parents never really had the time to talk to me about this kind of stuff because all they really cared about was my work habits. When I'd ask them something they would say they didn't really remember. That is why I would always end it with an "Oh" and move on. This is all that I ask of you, and nothing more. If you decide not to care. You have crushed me dream. Please write back to me if possible.