Stop feeding the humans in this world fat junk food! I want you to stop because I think that you are the main reason to obesity. Everyone's life is at stake. Since the first day that you opened on May 15, 1940 you have been feeding the people in this world nothing but transfat and junk. Nothing that you serve is healthy. Even if it's salad it has a dressing that is 100 calories per tea spoon. That doesn't make it healthy. I'm not trying to say that your food is bad but I don't think that it is wise or smart so feed people what you feed them right now. Althogh I'm saying that your food is unhealthy, it does taste good. What I'm really saying is that you should have healthier menus that taste the same, but without the fat.
I'm sorry for disturbing you. Hopefully you will make the right choice and make the change. If not I will come and change it for you.
Thank you.
Angry lady that wants to make a difference