Blog Entry #5

Dear McDonald's,

Stop feeding the humans in this world fat junk food! I want you to stop because I think that you are the main reason to obesity. Everyone's life is at stake. Since the first day that you opened on May 15, 1940 you have been feeding the people in this world nothing but transfat and junk. Nothing that you serve is healthy. Even if it's salad it has a dressing that is 100 calories per tea spoon. That doesn't make it healthy. I'm not trying to say that your food is bad but I don't think that it is wise or smart so feed people what you feed them right now. Althogh I'm saying that your food is unhealthy, it does taste good. What I'm really saying is that you should have healthier menus that taste the same, but without the fat.

I'm sorry for disturbing you. Hopefully you will make the right choice and make the change. If not I will come and change it for you.

Thank you.


Angry lady that wants to make a difference

At School...

Hello Readers out there,
I'm at school right now.....writing this blog that I'm not suppose to be doing.
I'm sitting to my buddy Polka Dots....right now she will say something: HELLOSSSSSSSS IM TYPING IN CAPITALS CUZ SHE TYPED IN CAPITALS TOO!!!!!
If you are interested in Polka Dots blog... go to
She is keeping her stuff in my desk right now cuz hers is really nasty and
That is pretty much what I can
OMG! I'm going skiing tomorrow...yay...^.^ Polka Dots is too....but I'm pretty sure that she doesn't want me to remind her of that moment

Blog Entry #4

There once was a curious Earthling on planet Earth that wanted to know everything, every where. Although she was a notmal grade twelve student that went to school she was the next Albert Einstein. So one day she decided to send the Aliens that she still believed that existed a message. People though that she has just gone crazy and she was kicked out of school. But she still had a strong heart and believed.

Dear Aliens, 14/09/1970

I am a little Earthling form the planet Earth. I am writing to you because I still believe that you exist. Most people on my planet think that you are some crazy joke. I don't think that though. I would really like to learn your ways and visit you in outer space where everything still remains a mystery. I have always wondered how it would be to live on Mars and all those other planets that you have traveled to. This is just because of curiosity, but I would really like to know what you eat. I just like to try new things. Another thing that I want to know is what you do during the day. Do you do complicated work like us Earthlings or just kill other aliens and people for life and eat their brains for dinner. OK, that was too in depth. I would really like to meet you in person and see how you are like. I don't have very many friends so I'm depending on you. As you can probably see, I am a really curious Earthling. If you understood anything I please write back.


Earthling from Earth

Please comment!!


Candy Cane :D